Saturday, November 12, 2011

Raatri Shubharaatri..

Santhosh Pandit and the Malayalam media made some easy money thanks to broadband internet and the well inflated mallu ego. While SP earned every bit of it, by making an impossible movie hit the screens and most importantly by taking tons of unbearable slurs and sarcastic appreciations, the media shamelessly sucked on, playing different roles at different times- as a moral police, the intelligent satirist and now the ‘lets celebrate this’ enthusiast. The attitude of the average online mallu remained the same throughout..- Ignorant, Irritated and Intolerant..
SP has done something that the mainstream Malayalam film/serial industry has been doing for the past many years - Selling dog crap in expensive packages . The only difference was that SP had just enough money to afford a package that read.. “Worthless dog crap” and he sold it as 'worthless dog crap' and people bought it so that they could tell the world how worthless the dog crap really was and thereby display their commitment towards quality literature and art..
I think there is one good thing in all this.. Next time when we see Shaji Kailas blabbering about how he shot Mohanlal’s bouncing belly using 25 HD cameras and the Hubble telescope, when we see Mayamma , Ponnamma and Ammakkili crying vehemently to save their marriage with some Shibu , Thomasukutty or Kumaran, we will have a familiar song playing at the back of our minds.. “Raatri Shubharaatri..” :D

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Electrons ,protons ,neutrons etc must be the most successful sub atomic particles. There might a billion trillion other ordinary folks revolving around doing ordinary things like working in a call centre or IT company or something like that 

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Religious Hullabaloos on Facebook

I have been watching a lot of religious posts and videos on facebook lately. Reminds me of something I read a long time back (Kushwanth Singh I guess) which goes something like “Religion is like your underwear. Don’t boast about it in public”.

My take on religion and god as it stands now.
  1. God exists – With form or without form. I just need someone to talk to about my worries and feel relieved that he will take care of me if I don’t do anything wrong.
  2. Faith doesn’t need logical reasoning. All beliefs are blind but that doesn't make them evil
  3. Any religion is as logical and scientific as the growth of science at the time in which it was created. If someone started writing a new Bagavath geeta or Bible or Quran, I am sure he will include a periodic table in it.
  4. Anything vague and sophisticated can be interpreted in n number of ways. If I write something like “And it will burn from inside and erupt killing all those who took the forbidden spirit” , it can be interpreted as a “Vyaja madya durantham” (Methanol poisoning) or a volcanic eruption which will destroy all who neglected a religious rule.
  5. Everybody has a right to believe in his religion. To say that mine is the only religion is to say that someone else’s is not. Your religion is between you and your god.No one needs to see your underwear.
  6. We are not even the tiniest speck in this whole universe. If god created it, why would he need our advertisement? 
  7. Did all those Neanderthals and Cromagnons and the rest of our pre religious ancestors go to hell?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

You are in Love (Dedicated to a "fallen" friend)

When the snow white doves lock their tiny grey beaks
when the glistening blue streams make cute gentle giggles
when fairies in red frills tickle you in sweet day dreams
when butterflies flutter around with wings- blue , red and green
when happy white lambs blink their wide eyes and gaze
That’s when you know you are in sweet little love..
Sing a new song and waltz around blue berry hills
And if you fall down and end up in a trash bin
wake up and walk!! was just oxytocin and vasopressin

"After all love is just a chemical reaction"- ennu (Prof) Kavi